Title: Valiant
Series: New species #3
Beings: Humanoid animals
Rating: A
Heat: Hot
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Ebook
Tammy walks by mistake into Valiant's territory, a mistake leaving her in terror and fear when the huge man-beast starts to growl and threaten her. He hates humans and will do anything to protect his home, that is until he takes a sniff of Tammy and immediately claims her as his.
Well, the good thing is that the cover follows the series, but I still think they could look better if the text was placed differently.
So far this is the best book in the series! I just loved it! Valiant is more beast than human. He's huge and frightening while Tammy is tiny. He's very possessive of her and threatens to kill anyone who tries to take her away from him. Tammy had me wondering what she will do. Will she accept Valiant or will she run away? There are several repetitions in this book as well, but it didn't matter. I was hoocked and once I started I had to finish it.
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