Title: Beauty awakened
Series: Angels of the dark #2
Beings: Angels
Rating: C
Heat: Mild
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Paperback
Nicola suffers from a weak heart and demons whisper bad things in her ear. When Koldo lay eyes on her he decides to help her, but maybe he needs help as well.
I love this cover! Gentle colors and romantic, only Koldos beard is missing.
I enjoyed reading this book, but at the same time it felt like I was just waiting for it to start. The story felt a little bit weak and some of the sceens could have been improved. I didn't experience the chemistry between the charecters as much as I would have liked to either, but at the same time Koldo felt like a strong character. Nicola on the other hand faithed a little bit too much, but through and trough it was a good book.
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