Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Review: Kissed by a dark prince by Felicity Heaton.
Title: Kissed by a dark prince
Series: Eternal mates #1
Rating: C
Heat: Hot
Bought from: ARC copy from the author
Read book format: Ebook
The fae prince Loren finds his chosen mate Olivia among the enemy after a battle with his brother. From that moment on nothing is ever the same again.
It's a nice cover, but at the same time there's nothing special about it because of its similarity with many other paranormal romance covers. It doesn't really say much about the book itself.
I liked this story and I look forward to read the next book. Like always, Felicity's writing is great and the characters were likable. Several scenes put a big smile on my face, but at the same time, the story was very precidictable.
You can buy the book from:
You can buy the book from:
Amazon Kindle
B&N Nook
Apple iBooks
Friday, December 27, 2013
English writing compared with Swedish writing.

During this last year I've been preparing myself as much as possible. I started to read A LOT of books in English, to learn how writing rules work and so on. I think I read about 60 books or more. I discovered early that the writing rules were different from the Swedish, so it felt like going back to school again. (I did spend an entire year in Writing School to learn how to write in Swedish, but I've also spent a life time studying the art of writing.)
Here's one example for you, for instance how differently comma and quotes are used.
English: “Please,
tell me,” she said.
Swedish: "Please, tell me", she said.
This simple little thing took a while to get used to. I even had to re-program my keyboard since the English quotes were nowhere to find on it.
Everything went a lot slower than I had expected, but at the same time it wasn't that surprising. I had never written anything in English when I decided to write my first book in English, but after a few chapters I started to get a hang of it.
I know I still have a lot to learn, but I'm sure that with each book things will run more smoothly. Right now I'm in the middle of proofreading "Angel in chains" and hopefully the book will go well with the English readers. :)
Monday, December 23, 2013
Angel in chains is finished!
Today I wrote the last word in my upcoming book "Angel in chains"! It sure is a wonderful feeling to have yet another script finished. Now I'm going to take a break for the rest of the day and tomorrow I'll start with the proofreading.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
A makeover!
It's not long now until "Angel in chains" will be finished. I realized my blog and website needed a few changes before the book will be published, so today I've been updating the blog. I hope you like the new appearance!
I have also decided to stop writing in my Swedish blog since I'll only be writing my books in English from now on. I won't delete the Swedish blog though, but my review blog will be deleted. I have transferred all the reviews here instead. I have realized that I just can't make enough time to review books the way I'd like to, but from time to time I'll put up reviews and they will be put here, on this blog, instead.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Review: The goblin king by Shona Husk

Title: The goblin king
Series: The shadowland series
Rating: E
Heat: Warm
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Ebook
The goblin king is searching for his queen, but who can love a cursed man with a heart literally made of gold? Elisa is such a woman.
A really nice cover and it fits the story.
This is not a bad story, but it's not a good one either, though it has potential. A little bit more of editing and I'm sure it will make a great story. Unfortunatelly the story was repeating itself a little bit too much and I don't know if it's just my Kindle, but the text was missing on several places. I didn't really experience the chemistry between the characters either.
Author: Shona Husk,
Books about goblins,
Heat: Warm,
Rating: E,
Review: Accidentally married to a ... vampire? by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
Title: Accidentally married to ... a vampire?
Series: Accidentally yours ... #2
Beings: Vampires
Rating: B
Heat: Warm
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Ebook
Helena accidentally stumbles upon a crypt in the Mexican jungle. Inside she finds a man. A man that has been asleep for over three hundred years, happens to be a vampire, and happens to wait for her to wake him up.
Not a very exciting cover, but it's nice.
I really enjoyed reading this book. The backside is that it reminded way too much of the first book. The characters personalities were similar to the characters from the first book. The same thing goes with the story. It felt a little like reading the same book all over again, but at the same time it didn't matter that much, because it was very good.
Review: Accidentally in love with ... a god? By Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
Title: Accidentally in love with ... a god?
Series: Accidentally yours ... #1
Beings: Gods
Rating: A
Heat: Warm
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Ebook
Guy is trouble, he's cocky, but also gorgeous and ... a voice in Emmas head. A voice she has heard for as long as she can remember, that is until Guy wants her to head into the Mexican jungle and find his body.
It's okey, but it doesn't really appeal to me.
This book was really funny! There's quite a cocky attitude between the characters and I just love it. A really entertaining book I highly recommend for anyone who wants to get a great laugh mixed with passion and action.
Review: Justice by Laurann Dohner

Author: Laurann Dohner
Title: Justice
Series: New species #4
Beings: Human animals
Rating: A
Heat: Hot
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Ebook
Justice is the leader of New species. He's a very buzy man, but also lonely. When the tough Jessie enters his life she turns everything around. Justice must make a choice - Jesse or the safety of his people.
This cover is just ... wierd. I don't like the way the guy is presented and the background is just wrong. It looks as if it was put together within two minutes without much thought behind it.
Wow! This series is just getting better and better! I wasn't really looking forward to read Justice book, but now that I've done it I think it was just amazing. Several of the scenes was just breathtaking and there weren't that much repetitions withins this book like it was in the previous once. I really look forward to read the rest of this series!
Review: Valiant by Laurann Dohner
Title: Valiant
Series: New species #3
Beings: Humanoid animals
Rating: A
Heat: Hot
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Ebook
Tammy walks by mistake into Valiant's territory, a mistake leaving her in terror and fear when the huge man-beast starts to growl and threaten her. He hates humans and will do anything to protect his home, that is until he takes a sniff of Tammy and immediately claims her as his.
Well, the good thing is that the cover follows the series, but I still think they could look better if the text was placed differently.
So far this is the best book in the series! I just loved it! Valiant is more beast than human. He's huge and frightening while Tammy is tiny. He's very possessive of her and threatens to kill anyone who tries to take her away from him. Tammy had me wondering what she will do. Will she accept Valiant or will she run away? There are several repetitions in this book as well, but it didn't matter. I was hoocked and once I started I had to finish it.
Review: Slade by Laurann Dohner

Title: Slade
Series: New species #2
Beings: Humanoid animals
Rating: B
Heat: Hot
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Ebook
Trisha is the doctor at Homeland, the place where the New species live. Ever since she saved Slade's life she can't get him out of her head, but he doesn't even remember her.
Similiar cover to the first book. I don't think the guy's expression fits to this story. He would have fitted better to the cover of the third book.
This book was a little bit slow in the beginning and even if it made me feel, just like the first one, I found it also a little bit irritating. I'm not fond of reading about severe missunderstandings between characters, but luckely things turned out alright. Through and through this is a great second book to this series, even if there are a lot of repetitions.
Review: Fury by Laurann Dohner

Author: Laurann Dohner
Series: New species #1
Beings: Humanoid animals
Rating: A
Heat: Burning
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Ebook
Ellie works undercover at a pharmaceutical company to find proof of their illegal experiments where scientists have combined human and animal DNA, creating a new species. These people aren't treated well and Ellie will do anything to save them, especially one of them who has captured her heart.
A regular cover for erotic books, but I think it could have looked better if the text was placed differently.
This book made me really feel. I felt with the characters throughout the entire book. I smiled, laughed, worried and almost even cried. Laurann has a way with words and I like her writing. It also felt like a very unique story. The only backside was the dialogs. There were many repetitions, making me feel like I sometimes read an essay, but it didn't matter. The story was great, though this is not a book for everyone. Warning for rough scenes!
Review: Pleasure unbound by Larissa Ione

Title: Pleasure unbound
Series: Demonica series
Beings: Demons, vampires
Rating: A
Heat: Hot
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Paperback
Tayla is a demon-slayer. She kills demons for a living and thinks they are evil creatures that deserves to die. That is until she gets badly wounded and ends up at a hospital run by demons. There she meets the doctor Eidolon, a demon that awakens a passion within her she'd never felt before.
Dark and very fitting cover. I love it!
I have found a new favorite author! I can't wait to read the other books in this series. "Pleasure unbound" is a dark story filled with all kind of different demons, both good and evil once. This book makes me prefer the demons above the humans that can be even more wicked than the demons. The characters are just great. There's a lot of passion, lust and emotions, but also violence and rough language, which means that this is not a book for everyone.
Review: Kiss of midnight by Lara Adrian

Author: Lara Adrian
Title: Kiss of midnight
Series: Midnight breed series
Beings: Vampires
Rating: B
Heat: Warm
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Paperback
When Gabrielle witnesses a murder she was not meant to see she is brought into a world she never thought existed. Meeting Lucan Thorne makes her realize that vampires are real.
There are several different covers for this series. This one I like the most.
I didn't get hooked at once when I started to read this book, but after about 100 pages I was stuck. The vampires in this series are different, more religious than vampires in other series, but still warriors who fight for the good. The backside with this book was that it felt like I've read it before. Many of the sceens felt like classic vampire sceens.
Author: Lara Adrian,
Books about vampires,
Heat: Warm,
Rating: B,
Review: Lash by L.G. Castillo

Author: L.G. Castillo
Title: Lash
Series: Broken angel #1
Beings: Angels
Rating: C
Heat: Mild
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Ebook
The angel Lash saves a life he shouldn't have and gets thrown out of heaven to walk the earth. He gets one final chance many years later to protect the girl Naomi.
I just love this cover! One of the best I've seen.
I looked forward to read this book and I did like it, but at the same time it felt like I was reading an action movie. The main characters were on the run, attacked from time to time, before the fled again, just like in many action movies. It was a very simple, but good writing, no unnecessary details. Lash felt more like a human than an angel, and even if things went a little slow the story worked and the so did the characters.
Author: L.G. Castillo,
Books about angels,
Heat: Mild,
Rating: C,
Review: Beauty awakened by Gena Showalter
Title: Beauty awakened
Series: Angels of the dark #2
Beings: Angels
Rating: C
Heat: Mild
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Paperback
Nicola suffers from a weak heart and demons whisper bad things in her ear. When Koldo lay eyes on her he decides to help her, but maybe he needs help as well.
I love this cover! Gentle colors and romantic, only Koldos beard is missing.
I enjoyed reading this book, but at the same time it felt like I was just waiting for it to start. The story felt a little bit weak and some of the sceens could have been improved. I didn't experience the chemistry between the charecters as much as I would have liked to either, but at the same time Koldo felt like a strong character. Nicola on the other hand faithed a little bit too much, but through and trough it was a good book.
Author: Gena Showalter,
Books about angels,
Heat: Mild,
Rating: C,
Review: Wicked nights by Gena Showalter

Title: Wicked nights
Series: Angels of the dark #1
Beings: Angels
Rating: A
Heat: Warm
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Paperback
Annabelle is imprisont in a mental institution for a crime she didn't commit. Zacharel is a dangerous and ruthless angel in charge of an army that doesn't take him seriously. When they meet the combination of them two becomes like fighting fire with fire.
Very beautiful and steamy cover, but it's misleading because the book is more sensual than hot.
The first thing that comes to mind after reading this book is that the title is wrong. It doesn't fit the story. Part from that this is one of the best books I've read. Difficult to put down, great characters, awesome chemestry between them and I just love the way Gena writes. Even if the book is dark and violent there's humor as well. I find myself laughing quite a lot.
Review: Her wicked angel by Felicity Heaton
Author: Felicity Heaton
Title: Her wicked angel
Series: Her angel # 6
Beings: Angels and demons
Rating: B
Heat: Hot
Bought from: ARC copy from author
Read book format: Ebook
The dark angel Asmodeus gets orders from his master, The Devil, to bring a human woman to Hell. The moment Asmodeus sees the woman he decides not to obey. Instead he wants her for himself.
This cover is perfect! It cannot get more wicked than this!
I have so far not read a book from Felicity Heaton that I haven't enjoyed. This one was difficult to put away and it gave me several surprises when the story didn't go they way I expected it to. The backside is the lack of dialog and way too long descriptions that sometimes made me lose interest. But part from that I highly recommend this bok!
ARC copy,
Author: Felicity Heaton,
Books about angels,
Heat: Hot,
Rating: B,
Review: Her dark angel by Felicity Heaton

Title: Her dark angel
Series: Her angel #1
Beings: Angels
Rating: A
Heat: Hot
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Ebook
The witch Serenity want's to make her cheating ex boy friend to pay for how he treated her. The angel Appollyon from hell answers her call.
A simple, but professional looking cover that tells you that this is a book about angels and a lot of love.
This book is definitely one of the best I've read, even if it's short. Not much happens, and the story is a little bit boring, but that doesn't bother me at all. It's all about the emotions in this story and that keeps me hooked. The author has a great writing style!
Author: Felicity Heaton,
Books about angels,
Heat: Hot,
Rating: A,
Review: Possessed by desire by Elisabeth Naughton
Author: Elisabeth Naughton
Title: Possessed by desire
Series: Firebrand series #3
Beings: Djinns, angels
Rating: B
Heat: Hot
Bought at: Amazon
Read book format: Ebook
The third djinn brother Ashur is Zoraidas pleasure slave, but unlike his brothers, he isn't bothered with his situation. He has even turned his back against his brothers, feeling that they have betrayed him. But then he's sent on his first mission and he meets Claire.
Very nice cover. I really like the colors!
After reading the first two books in this series I just had to read the third. Yet again the writing is great and the story captured me. Ashur is a very interesting character and you sometimes can't tell which side his on, which makes it even more exiting. But I didn't feel the connection between Ashur and Claire like I did between the characters in the first two books.
Review: Slave to passion by Elisabeth Naughton

Author: Elisabeth Naughton
Title: Slave to passion
Series: Firebrand series #2
Beings: Djinns
Rating: A
Heat: Burning
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Ebook
The djinn prince Nasir has been thrown in the pits of Jahannam, now nothing more than a slave, to fight for others entertainment. Then one day the slave girl Kavin is put in his cell.
She must sleep with him, or die.
This cover is different from the other two in the series. I would have prefered that the author sticked to the theme. At least the colors are the same, and it's not a bad cover.
When I started to read this one I didn't really know what to expect, concidering that the first book was just amazing! But this one didn't let me down either. Elisabeth shows again that she's a great author.
Review: Bound to seduction by Elisabeth Naughton

Author: Elisabeth Naughton
Title: Bound to seduction
Series: Firebrand series #1
Beings: Djinns
Rating: A
Heat: Hot
Bought from: Amazon
Read book format: Ebook
It's a beautiful cover and it looks professional. It introduces the first book well.
I loved this book from the start, great story, great characters and wonderful writing. What touched me the most was the chemistry between the characters. That's how true love should feel like!
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Covers for sale!
I now have covers ready for sale! All you have to do is pick one and tell me what author name and title you want me to write on it. You can have a finished cover within a few hours! I also make customized covers.
If you want to know more please visit my website:
Here's an example of what you can get:
Note: The text is only for show.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Second ad for Angel in chains!
Book: Angel in chains,
Series: Forever yours
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
3D cover - angel in chains.
Here you have my next cover in 3D. It's for my
upcoming book "Angel in chains". The first book in the series "forever
yours" - a paranormal romance for adults. Hope you like it!
Friday, October 25, 2013
3D cover.
Today I made my first 3D book cover!
I used the cover for my upcoming book "Her cyborg".
Let me know if I need to practice more! :)
3D cover,
Cover design,
Her cyborg,
Series: Bound by her
Thursday, October 17, 2013
A little rose.
I love making images! Today I played around a little with an image of a rose and this is what I managed to do. Hope you like it. :)
If you want to see my covers please visit:
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Rose: Freedigitalphotos.net by Pixomar. |
New cover for fun!
I've made this cover for display. Observe there's no book written to this cover, it's just for fun. I hope you like it!
You can see more of my covers at: http://nellies-digital-designs.webs.com/
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Freedigitalphotos.net. Man by photostock. Tiger by anankkml. |
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